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The role of staff augmentation in supporting the development of next-generation products

Staff augmentation is becoming very popular. Specifically, after the deadly COVID pandemic where IT companies utilized the staff augmentation model to its maximum potential. A report from Statista predicts radical revenue growth in the upcoming years and it seems impossible to achieve such a number without software experts. This also indicates that the need for developers is drastically increasing which means companies would need outsourced resources to fulfill their business requirements.

Staff Augmentation
With the help of the resource and staff augmentation approach, businesses find the right augmented team for their specific needs in a short period of time. This is not possible when a business is looking to hire in-house teams. It can take months to years to find the right resources and in a time like this when software developers are in high demand, finding resources becomes difficult. And even if you find the resource in time, a lengthy hiring process takes too much time.  In order to avoid all the hassle, your business can go for staff augmentation services.

Following are some reasons why you should opt for staff augmentationservices:

Helps in meeting deadlines

If you’re under a strict schedule and want your task to be done as soon as possible but you have limited resources, you can go for staff augmentation services. You wouldn’t want to lose a project because you lacked one resource, instead you talk to a company, which has a pool of candidates available to be outsourced. With this, you will get to meet your deadlines on time.

Facilitates skill gap

The hiring process easily takes 20-25 days on average and that is if you’re looking for an easily available resource in the market. What if your project requires a candidate that requires a specific skill set? It can take months to find such a resource. However, that doesn’t mean there are no other solutions. You can always go for IT team augmentation services! Hiring external staff to meet your project’s requirements is just the way to go. Companies offering staff augmentation services usually have candidates lined up. It will save you the hassle of finding the right resource.

Complete hiring control

Just because you’re hiring external staff, it doesn’t mean you won’t be in control. One of the best things about the team augmentation model is that you can interview potential candidates, discuss your project expectations, work alongside them and get your project completed before the deadline. Your project is yours, team augmentation is just a push it needs to reach its desired destination.

Also Read : How IT Staffing Companies Can Help Your Business Grow

Flexibility of hiring

If you’re a start-up, your IT hiring managers probably have a lot of their plate. During this, your business can utilize team augmentation services to fill in the gap. This way, your business won’t stop because you don’t have enough time to hire and your hiring managers can get time to prioritize resources that are needed immediately. This also works for bigger enterprises wanting to hire specific resources but not having enough time. This model is flexible for all.


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