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4 Critical Benefits of DevOps for Today’s Service Providers

Service providers' software development practices have changed a lot in recent years to meet the rapidly evolving needs of a rapidly evolving IT-oriented environment. DevOps techniques are the norm in today's web-scale businesses, so the telecommunications industry wants to switch to this standard as soon as it sees tangible benefits.

Here are the top 4 operational and business benefits of the DevOps services company for tele-communications service providers.

1. Cultural change

DevOps is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and integration of internal and external IT staff to enable rapid development and implementation of solutions. In addition, DevOps is a culture change that promotes non-hierarchical decisions and direct feedback between operational requirements and the development process. This allows for faster and more automated implementation of new code in a living system. As successful DevOps methods are well documented in the communications industry, new processes can enable highly effective roadmaps to change old paradigms in mature companies.

Also Read :  What Is The Difference Between Devops And Devsecops?

2. Faster and more frequent deployment cycle

The annual release cycle for enterprise BSS/OSS or network management software - along with periodic updates between debugging and query addressing - developed in the cascade process has been a common practice in the industry for many years. DevOps put an end to this practice and even caused editions of the most important versions mentioned to disappear from the advanced provider schedule. Increasing dynamic iteration cycles with continuous integration and continuous delivery reflects the goals of the digitization strategy. So its development is combined with operational requirements in a much stricter regime. In the digital age, speed and flexibility are critical business attributes critical to success, and DevOps is becoming the de facto industry methodology that service providers seek in digital transformation.

3. More accurate scalability with less overhead

DevOps enables service providers to more precisely scale operational resources allocated to projects, meaning that operational costs allocated to specific services can be adjusted more precisely. This benefit of DevOps has a huge impact on the overhead included in the service provider's project costs, so that some part of their budget is consumed much less. Since overspending on operating costs is a multibillion-dollar problem for first-tier operators, many of whom face low sales inflation, saving costs is one of the best ways to increase their bottom line. This is a model that is observable in all aspects of digital operations: the desire to replace unnecessary forecasts and overhead with dynamic tracking of flexible operational techniques.

4. Risk and profit sharing trading partnership

Switching to the DevOps model is a huge task for telecom operators and software providers. In the past, the economic success and risks of transformation initiatives belonged to the service provider. In a DevOps culture, we can expect greater partnerships between vendors and service providers, many of whom are changing their trade agreements to be more dynamic in comparison to current business practices with revenue-sharing models. The benefits for both parties are clear when the provider is confident in its ability to deliver: increased reliability and demonstration for the provider and increased confidence for the service provider that their partners are working to successfully achieve the set KPIs.


  1. Cool, we have selected interesting advantages of devops. I just started to study devops outsourcing, can you advise something?


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