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What is Front-end as a service and why you should use it

 The realm of eCommerce has experienced a massive change in the past few years. According to figures from the US Department of Commerce Retail Indicator Division the sales of eCommerce in the US reached $870 billion by 2022. This is a 14.2 percentage increase over the year 2020 and a staggering 50.5 percent increase over the year prior.

The habits of customers have changed since the public has been exposed to myriad of new platforms through which they can go online for shopping. Today, potential customers can look through the social media profiles of a company through Instagram or TikTok, switch to the catalogue of top items, and then head to the main site to complete their purchase.

With buyers being able to go through the entire buyer's journey using their tablets or smartphones as well as having access to a myriad of new ways to interact with them, the digital experience that they receive has never been more crucial.

To provide the most engaging experiences that attract visitors to make them customers, brands require an immersive and high-quality front-end interface. Companies that choose to go headless have the benefit of selling across multiple channels, but aren't able to deliver an engaging front-end experience for their customers. This is where the idea of the Front-end as a Service enters the scene.

What Is Frontend as a Service?

Front-end services (FaaS) is a method to create and provide captivating frontend experiences, especially for eCommerce. It lets you combine diverse components to create an efficient front-end interface that is cost-effectively.

Frontend as a Service allows developers to pull components from different sources and use them for a user-friendly front user interface.

Frontend as a Service Benefits

There are a variety of reasons frontend-as-a-service has become increasingly popular for companies looking to improve the experience of their customers.

Composability and Microservices

Composability is gaining popularity with companies that are seeking more freedom and flexibility when designing their stacks of software. The breaking down of large monoliths into micro services, and then connecting them through APIs allows for greater the flexibility as well as freedom. Frontend as is a service, and the providers who provide it follow the same principles, allowing companies to benefit from MACH architecture

Ease of Use

Frontend as a Service is easy to use because the component-based approach lets developers to choose the components they want to put into the frontend and put them in as pieces of a puzzle.

Also Read : When UX meets CX?

Faster Time to Market

While the monolithic approach to eCommerce can be difficult for companies to be able to launch their campaigns quickly and adapt campaigns to meet new consumer demands, FEaaS allows brands to launch faster new products and campaigns.

Reduced Workload for Developers

Because developers don't have to build the entire front-end experience from scratch their workload is diminished, and they're able to have more time to concentrate on other tasks with high ROI.
