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The Top Five Challenges in Open Source Software Development

What is the top aspect software developers take into account when selecting the open source software programs to choose? A report released from Rogue Wave Software says support. 

What is the second-most important element? Who will shoulder the responsibility of providing support? Furthermore, a shocking majority of programmers claim they will provide support.

The report includes an online survey of 350 respondents that was conducted through Open System Media as well as an internal analysis of 1000 support requests. Open System Media conducted the survey via their website as well as our own analysis consisted from internal data gathered via support requests that were sent to our system. Respondents are Software developers as well as database administrators Security technicians, IT managers and CIOs and solutions architects.

There's no wrong question regarding OSS usage, and these are the most frequent issues:

·         How do I configure or use a particular feature within this software?

·        What security updates will impact me?

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·        What can I do to distinguish this issue between open source and proprietary code that is in this stack?

·        What version or package is the most suitable for what I'm trying to accomplish?

·      What are the main differences of these 2 versions? Which one is more appropriate to are applicable to me?

Additional issues with support arise when an organisation decides to make use of OSS due to the fact that they are first-time users of open source or most effective practices for their use aren't clear:

·         Insufficient knowledge or experience in a particular version or package.

·         Performance issues with applications and tuning.

·         Mandated use of packages by customer, but no in-house knowledge.

·         It is imperative to have quick turnarounds for bugs in order to meet the uptime demands.

·         Support redundancy, what happens when the expert is absent?

·         Want to integrate OSS with proprietary code to provide custom stacks.

·         There is a need for workarounds for older versions which have been discontinued as official support.

·         Consolidating several various versions of OSS processes across the entire organization.

Although this shouldn't be surprising, it is troubling and developers shouldn't be required to shoulder the whole support burden, particularly for complex software stacks , which include databases built tools, construct tools middleware, operating systems open and proprietary software, service-level contracts, as well as multiple, and often in conflicting software licenses.

In determining who will be the support provider in your business It is important to select the right team who can provide assistance for the entire software ecosystem, and be easily accessible to communicate for assistance. They must provide the required skills and tools, such as:

·       Tier 4-level architects. Not junior engineers

·     Support you on your development journey, from the initial build phase, to continuous integration (CI) and Continuous deployment (CD) to monitoring the production environment

·       A number to dial to answer answers to all your inquiries

Open source software development differs from the world of proprietary software and businesses must discover new methods of managing it. A few things to think about are the openness and diversity that is OSS development, the extent to which the proprietary software is compatible with open-source software as well as licensing.


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