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Why Free And Open Source Software Is So Highly Valued?

Open source software (OSS) is software that is distributed with its source code, making it available for use, modification, and distribution with its original rights. It allows the user to inspect the source code and provides a high level of control of the software's functions compared to proprietary software.

Free software

Free software, as the name, suggests software is free of cost, free to use, free to modify. There are four benefits of free software as follows:

1. Freedom 0: You can use code for any purpose.

2. Freedom 1: You can compute the program and modify it. The prerequisite is accessing the source code.

3. Freedom 2: You can redistribute copies.

4. Freedom 3: You can share your modified version of copies. In this way, you contribute to making the program better. The prerequisite is accessing the source code.

Open Source Software

Open Source Software is loose to use, modification, study, and distribution. Anyone can access its source code for any reason.

Open source software company uses open-source software to provide business solutions. Developers share knowledge to create more effective software solutions.

Impressico Business Solutions is an Open Source Software Development Company. It also solves different enterprises' needs such as development, consulting, design.

Different open-source software development companies help in giving a different perspective.

Top open-source companies are:

· Github: It had received 218 million contributions in open source projects last year. Its heart is the open-source community.

· Facebook: Buck and Presto are some of the top open-source projects of Facebook.

· Cloudera: It gives 100% open source in Hadoop distribution. It helps in the data management of enterprises.

· IBM: Their employees contribute in open source. It helps in solving business problems.

· Canonical: They work on open-source projects like Ubuntu, Juju, Openstack. Ubuntu is one of the most significant projects in the world.

Why has open-source software has given more priority than proprietary software?

· Cost-effective: Open source software is available free of cost or low cost. While

· Accessibility: Open-source software is easily accessible. Anyone can view and modify code.

· High quality: Many developers improve the software that brings high quality.

· No 'lock in': Anyone can use it for whatever purpose they want.

· Flexibility: It gives more flexible technology.

Also Read : mobile app development company

In short, Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) provides freedom to access, modify, contribute, distribute to open source software and its source code. It leads to significant innovation. Developers across the world contribute to it.

But definitely, everything can't be made open source. Those project source code that makes a company distinct and give a competitive advantage should be kept private.

Start-up ventures should look for free and open-source software. It will save time and money.


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